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March 17, 2025

Netflix's Adolescence: related resources in Tooled Up

Netflix's Adolescence: related resources in Tooled Up

Have you watched Adolescence on Netflix?

Do you want to learn more about the issues raised? We have webinars and podcasts available to everyone, along with CPD and classroom resources available to Tooled Up teachers.

For parents

Tooled Up subscribers have a vast range of interviews and activities on rethinking masculinities, online misogyny and building healthy relationships.

The Rise of Online Misogyny

Ellie Softley, Head of Education at Everyone's Invited, joins us to talk about how misogynistic ideology, such as that found in incel forums, is making its way into the mainstream, and how we can encourage young people to think critically about the things that they see and hear.

Talking to Young People about Online Misogynistic Groups

Cybercrime expert, Dr Lisa Sugiura, explains what the 'manosphere' is and explores the harms of online misogyny and how it might impact on young people. This interview is packed with tips about how to talk to young people about these issues, encouraging cognitive flexibility and critical consumption of what they see and read online.

Misogyny and Sexism: A Guide for Parents and Educators

Misogyny is not a new phenomenon, but there is significant misunderstanding about what it is, and this negatively impacts attempts to tackle it. Understanding and defining what misogyny and sexism actually mean is crucial to dismantling them and achieving gender equality. In this webinar, we explain clearly what the terms mean and what they ‘look like’ in real life. We also give parents and educators tools for recognising and tackling them at home and school.

Andrew Tate and Toxic Influencers: A Guide for Parents and Educators

We take a closer look at Andrew Tate, his methodologies, his appeal to some children and teens and what we can do to mitigate the risk that exposure to such material can bring.

Anda Solea Discusses Misogynistic Content on TikTok

Former researcher of the month, Anda Solea, talks to us about her new paper, ‘Mainstreaming the Blackpill: Understanding the Incel Community on TikTok’. She discusses how misogynistic incel ideology is proliferating on mainstream social media platforms through the use of covert messaging and pseudoscience, and considers what parents and teachers might be able to do to counter these messages and encourage young people to think critically about the things that they see online.

Raising Boys in the Digital Space and Keeping Them Safe

This 30 minute presentation for parents and carers of boys under the age of 13 contains information about how to decide when to buy your child a smartphone and things to think about in terms of their relationship to digital technology in the future.

Challenges Online to Healthy Sexual Relationships and What We Can Do to Help Our Young People

Dr Elly Hanson joins us to discuss how to help young people prioritise their core values, be resilient to insidious algorithms and form healthy sexual relationships.

Cultivating Care and Connection with Boys

Dr Stephen Burrell promotes teaching boys to care and provides practical tips that parents and teachers can use to help boys resist dominant narratives of masculinity.

Cultivating Positive Alternatives to Violence and Alienation: Why We Need to Talk to Boys about Masculinity

Dr Stephen Burrell joins us to discuss how boys' ideas of masculinity develop and how typical western masculine ideals can feed a culture of violence and create emotional alienation. He provides practical tips that parents and teachers can use to help boys resist these dominant narratives.

Domestic Abuse and Teen Relationships

This interview with Professor David Gadd harnesses Professor Gadd’s extensive knowledge of domestic abuse prevention education and focuses on the best ways for parents and schools to teach boys (and girls) about good relationships and examine issues of consent and boundaries.

Supporting Your Child to Step Away From and Challenge Harmful Talk in Their Peer Group

We’ve joined forces with Dr Elly Hanson to bring you some top tips, straight from the evidence-base, on how to help your child challenge harmful talk and bigotry and what they can do to avoid it. It also includes advice on what you can do if you find that your child is engaging in conversations or using language that denigrates various groups of people.

Raising a Positive Bystander or ‘Upstander’: Five Things Parents Need to Know

There is much that parents can do in family life to help children grow up to be positive bystanders. Instilling strong family values, nudging them to call out behaviours that they don’t agree with and acknowledging that standing up for others can be tough, are all important tips. Find out more here!

Developing Algorithmic Literacy

We’ve rounded up some of the best evidence-based resources designed to help young people navigate and understand online algorithms.

For young people

These resources are activities that can be used with young people, either at home or at school.

40 Family Conversation Questions to Encourage Discussion about Misogyny and Positive Masculinities

A practical family-based activity exploring misogyny and healthy versions of masculinity.

Thinking about Who We Follow and Why

This activity is designed to surface discussion about who young people follow online and why. It is also designed to provoke conversations about the importance of remaining critical about the things that we see and read online and conscious of its impact on us as individuals in terms of our attitudes and actions.

Monitoring Your Social Media Diet: Guidelines for Teenagers

In this resource, created by leading expert, Professor Tracey Wade, for teens to use, we encourage them to consider some of the research relating to the impact of social media on their wellbeing and reflect on how they might be able to 'curate their feed' in a way that reduces any negative impact or exposure to extremist content.

CPD resources for school staff

We also have various resources on this topic to support staff in schools. Why not check out some of the below?

The Incel Ideology, Online Extremist Ecosystems, and Their Impact on Young People: What School Staff Need to Know

This webinar explores the nature of how young people engage with incel and other extremist content online in Britain today. Dr Lewys Brace explains ‘where we are’ with this kind of ideology and the extent to which children and young people are engaging with it. He discusses the sites and online spaces that young people are inhabiting, explains the worldview and language used by these online communities and highlights any known red flags.

Glossary of Incel Terms

This glossary has been put together by Dr Lewys Brace, a senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Exeter. It’s designed to be used by school staff to aid awareness of the sort of language used by the incel community.

Reflection Activities for Students on Misogyny and Sexism (for ages 14+)

Activity pack offering students a chance to learn about the issue of misogyny and discrimination related to sexual harassment. It is intended to be reflective work, encouraging students to think about their own words and actions, and consider different scenarios in which discriminatory language or behaviour might have a profound impact on others.

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Tooled Up supports Bank of Ireland's 'Wild Child' campaign

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#InspireInclusion: Celebrating International Women’s Day

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#InspireInclusion: Celebrating International Women’s Day

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Tooled Up Education – 2024 BETT Awards Finalist

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Tooled Up Education Joins Forces with ISEB to Champion Pupil Wellbeing in Admissions Tests and Exams

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Tooled Up Education Joins Forces with ISEB to Champion Pupil Wellbeing in Admissions Tests and Exams

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Tooled Up’s Head of Research Nominated for ACAMH 2023 Award

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Tooled Up’s Head of Research Nominated for ACAMH 2023 Award

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When it Comes to Anxious Young People, Avoidance Should Be a Last Resort

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A Few of Our Favourite Things

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A Few of Our Favourite Things

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Studying Shakespeare?

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Studying Shakespeare?

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