August 04, 2023
Having a sibling with an eating disorder

Caring for an individual with an eating disorder can feel isolating and extremely distressing. Research in this area has found that family members often experience high levels of distress and burden due to the pervasive impact of the illness. Studies suggest that when a sibling becomes unwell, it greatly affects the lives of the other siblings and they experience major life changes. However, most existing studies have focused on parents as carers, overlooking the adverse effects that eating disorders also have on the lives of siblings. Our researcher of the month, PhD student Anya Heneghan, aims to shift the paradigm by reviewing the literature in this area. By analysing the findings of 14 eligible studies, Anya’s work explores siblings’ experiences of having a brother or sister with an eating disorder. Her paper is being readied for publication.
She found that eating disorders impact on many areas of siblings’ lives causing immense and inescapable disruption. The amount of parental time and attention devoted to caring for the child with the eating disorder can also lead to siblings feeling less important. Whilst National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for the treatment of eating disorders clarify that family members who take on the role of caregiving, including siblings, need support and education, Anya found that siblings report receiving less professional help than they want or need.
“The review found that the eating disorder impacts many areas of siblings’ lives, how they view themselves and the world around them, causing immense disruption, intruding on daily living and schoolwork. Significantly higher levels of depression were found in siblings with a sibling with an eating disorder compared to a control group and siblings’ quality of life is negatively impacted.”
Anya’s paper lucidly outlines the great distress that eating disorders cause to the entire family unit. She identifies five core themes of impact; socio-cognitive emotional effects, difficulty expressing emotion, perceived social stigma, negative emotions and a lack of appropriate and systemic support. In recent weeks, she has looked at brand new research, and has identified a sixth theme; reflections on positive by-products of their experiences.
Anya found that siblings often used language of destruction when describing the eating disorder, including words such as ‘destroy’, ‘broken’, ‘devastation’, ‘chaos’ and ‘war zone’. They report that their home environment changes for the worse and that communication with family members becomes more challenging. Some siblings described difficulties with talking to their parents about how they are feeling, despite wanting to, due to concerns about further burdening them. Several studies indicated that siblings minimise their feelings to alleviate their parents’ worry and therefore don’t voice their own needs. Communication between siblings also frequently becomes more limited and restricted, with caution around certain topics including diet-related talk and language relating to body shape and size. Some reported feeling a sense of competition and jealousy over their sibling’s weight loss, which led, in some cases, to siblings also experiencing disordered eating behaviours. Siblings frequently described how they are expected to be mature, independent and cope alone, more than is normally expected at their age – something that Anya terms ‘parentification’.
Anya found that the effect of the eating disorder on siblings is often forgotten about. Four studies revealed that parents’ time and attention are dedicated wholly to the sibling with the eating disorder, leaving their other children feeling neglected and overshadowed. Siblings often describe how family chat about their homework, social life or important life events is minimised and that they believe that the needs of their ill sibling are more important than their own. Siblings were also aware of the stigma surrounding eating disorders and they frequently feared negative judgement from others.
She found that whilst siblings liked receiving support, they did not feel that any of the help offered to them was beneficial. They often said that they were not included in family therapy and had to rely on their parents for information, who were often reluctant to discuss things openly. Anya’s paper is pervaded with a sense of loss. Her review shows that these siblings feel that they have lost contact and closeness with their brother or sister, lost their normality and sense of identity, lost happiness within family life, lost their role as a child and lost their parents’ attention.
“It is hoped that this review will highlight to professionals the possible risks experienced by siblings, allowing them to provide appropriate support from the outset. Such support can come from the development of new interventions… that integrate siblings in the process of recovery and upskill parents and carers when there is another sibling in the home."
Families supporting a child with an eating disorder are going through an extremely challenging experience. For parents, being there for both their child with an eating disorder and any siblings is undoubtedly difficult. However, Anya has some great tips that might help.
Talk to your children. All of your children need to understand what is going on. Siblings require factual information, given in a developmentally appropriate way. Include them and be honest.
Try to remove burden from them. Remind your child that their sibling is receiving support from a team of professionals and that it is not their responsibility to make them better.
Explain that the whole family will experience changes together. Reassure them that their role is that of a sibling and not of a parent. They should continue to spend time with their sibling doing fun activities that they both enjoy.
Whilst finding time is likely to be challenging, try to spend some one to one time with your other children. This will help to prevent them from feeling less important.
Encourage them to talk about their feelings and seek help when they need it. Help them to identify key people in their lives who they feel comfortable talking to, in case they don’t feel able to confide in you directly.
Set boundaries together. Try to talk openly as a family to establish how involved your child/ren wish to be in treatment sessions and what they feel comfortable with. Providing clarity about what they can and should be doing is vital.
Don’t ask your other children to eat more in an effort to encourage their sibling with an eating disorder to eat. This can lead to disordered eating patterns.
Be cautious about asking siblings to pass on information about their brother or sister. Siblings in the research found being asked to ‘spy’ on their brother or sister particularly distressing and stressful. Parents should exercise caution in asking children to take on the additional burden of watching over their sibling. Relieving pressure from your children is optimal.
Talk to their school. Having a sibling with an eating disorder has a major effect on a child and it may impact on their schoolwork. Talking to your child’s school is crucial. Ideally, support at school shouldn’t be forced upon them. However, identifying a key member of staff who your child feels able to approach would be beneficial and scheduling a weekly chat might be useful. Siblings in the research noted that they liked knowing that support was available should they wish to take it, but that they didn’t want to feel obliged to do so.

Anya Heneghan
PhD researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry
Anya Heneghan is a PhD researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London, with a BSc in Forensic Psychology from Kingston University. Her PhD thesis is dedicated to siblings’ experiences of having a brother or sister with an eating disorder which is largely inspired by her own experience as a sibling in this context. Through her work she hopes to raise awareness of these under-served and often forgotten individuals with the goal of improving support services for siblings.
Anya Heneghan
PhD researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry
Scroll our research gallery

Feb 12, 2025
When is the right age? Searching for age-appropriate ways to support children's online lives
Currently, children's and young people’s use of digital technology is rarely out of the news. Age limits are debated. Calls for stronger limits are made, and questions are raised regarding whether society should ban 'under-age' children from various aspects of the digital world. 13 years of age is often cited as a digital 'age of consent', though this varies in some countries. Commonly used age limits are largely arbitrary, based primarily on US legislation, rather than evidence. In a recent paper, our researcher of the month, Dr Kim Sylwander, and her co-author Professor Sonia Livingstone, consider age milestones and evaluate whether or not the evidence supports them. Are age limits the optimal way to regulate children’s digital experiences? Does it matter that they are widely contested and often poorly implemented? And are common boundaries even the “right” age, according to evidence from the field of children and digital media? Dr Sylwander persuasively argues that moving forward, a developmental approach can better support children’s rights.

Jan 14, 2025
Showing faith and trust in children nurtures integrity
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Dec 17, 2024
Intrinsic reward and word learning
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Nov 14, 2024
Delivering effective menstrual education
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Oct 17, 2024
How influential is social media on young people's mental health?
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Sep 16, 2024
How do young children’s relationships with parents and teachers impact their adjustment to school?
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Aug 19, 2024
Supporting children's transition to secondary school
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Jul 15, 2024
The impact of digital experiences on teens with mental health vulnerabilities
Over the last decade, digital developments have led to major changes in the ways that teens learn, work, play and interact with others. Digital access is a daily reality for most children and young people. Nine in 10 children in the UK now own a smartphone by the time they reach the age of 11, and the large majority of children aged 11 now use social media (78%) and have a social media profile (72%), despite being younger than the minimum age requirement for many platforms. By the time teens are 17 years old, 97% will use social media. Coincident with this change, adolescent mental health problems have also increased in prevalence. It is therefore no surprise that much research has focused on the relationship between digital experiences and adolescent mental health. However, comparatively few studies have directly compared the experiences of teens with mental health conditions meaning that some key questions remain unanswered. Do adolescents with pre‐existing mental health conditions differ in terms of why and how they engage with the digital world compared to peers without such difficulties? Are specific mental health conditions linked to different patterns of digital usage? What role do such differences play in the development and escalation of these conditions? In a recent paper, our Researcher of the Month, Dr Kasia Kostyrka-Allchorne, and her colleagues, explore what the evidence shows about the digital experiences of teens with mental health vulnerabilities.

Jun 13, 2024
NELI Preschool: a new oral language enrichment programme for preschools and nurseries
Oral language skills provide the foundation for formal education, yet many children enter school with language weaknesses. Oral language is fundamental to children’s overall development and educational success. It is linked to all higher level cognitive skills and is pivotal for literacy development, and education more generally. It’s also vitally important for children’s social and emotional development. The term oral language refers to a complex set of skills that should ideally work seamlessly together to enable children to communicate with others by producing and understanding language. It’s an umbrella term, encompassing numerous component skills which include having a good vocabulary and the grammatical ability to combine words effectively to convey meaning, along with an understanding of cause and effect, memory skills and the ability to plan what to say and what not to say. Language skills develop rapidly between the ages of 3–6 years making preschool an excellent time to intervene to support language development. Because of this, Dr Gill West and her colleagues – as part of a team headed by Professor Charles Hulme – have developed and evaluated the efficacy of a new language enrichment programme, the Nuffield Early Language Intervention—Preschool (NELI Preschool), which is delivered to children the year before they enter formal education. The programme combines language enrichment for all children, with additional targeted support for those with language needs, potentially narrowing the gap in language skills associated with social disadvantage.

May 16, 2024
"More is more”: the impact of careers education on later outcomes
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