Researcher of the Month

March 13, 2022

#SponsoredAds: the impact of influencers on children

#SponsoredAds: the impact of influencers on children

A new policy brief, written by Dr Miriam Rahali and Professor Sonia Livingstone, considers how children’s connection to technology has created new marketing opportunities for influencers and ‘kidfluencers’ on social media and video-sharing platforms. They note that influencers frequently produce videos and posts which ‘blur the boundaries between commercial and entertainment content’. Children are very susceptible to hidden or embedded marketing as their ability to identify persuasive messages is not yet honed and kidfluencers seem to be authentic, friendly and honest figures, who often feel like friends.

Our Researchers of the Month examine the opportunities and challenges that influencer culture presents to young children, assess existing regulation and make recommendations to parents, educators, regulators and video-sharing platforms.

The report has been produced in response to the UK Parliament’s Digital Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, which is currently conducting an inquiry into influencer culture.


YouTube has emerged as an alternative to traditional television and is particularly popular with young children. Recent research found that 97% of British children aged 5-15 use video-sharing platforms like YouTube. Collectively, the top ten UK ‘kidfluencers’ have a subscriber count of 57,824,000, and have accumulated more than 19.18 billion video views. 58% of children and young people report spending 2.5 hours a day watching their favourite vloggers do things like playing games, unboxing toys, reviewing products or going through their daily routine.

Children’s critical thinking skills are still developing and they are less able than adults to control their impulses. This leaves them more vulnerable to the persuasive effects of advertising. Research shows that 97% of videos aimed at under 8s feature adverts. Frequently, advertising and sponsorship are embedded into video content, with 45% of videos on YouTube featuring or promoting products for children to buy. The engaging, credible personas of influencers, and the fun nature of the posts and videos, makes it harder for children to recognise the content as advertising.

Whilst not all content is commercially driven and it is possible that some children are positively affected by some influencers, many videos promote materialism and might negatively influence children’s ideas about consumption and play. Children often form ‘parasocial relationships’ with influencers, where they feel that they share a genuine connection. This is heightened by the possibility of active interactions, such as ‘likes’ and comments. Whilst this is not negative per se, the presence of advertising means that this relationship can become distorted or exploitative. The kidfluencer phenomenon is therefore a cause of concern around children’s access to social media.


“A sustainable long-term solution requires buy-in from multiple stakeholders.”

Dr Rahali and Professor Livingstone advise that advertisers and influencers must visibly disclose adverts, preferably both in writing and verbally, as young children may not yet be able to read. Platforms should seek to minimise the volume of influencer advertising that is promoted to children, devise tools that can effectively quantify the extent and nature of digital marketing and be more transparent about algorithms.

Implications for parents – The solution to this issue is not all down to parents! However, parents can help through actively monitoring children’s internet use and reducing their contact with advertising through screening, discussions and filtering. Strengthening children’s skills in recognising embedded advertising formats is important, as is instilling critical responses to online advertising.

Implications for schools – Schools can develop media literacy by incorporating content such as games and informational vlogs into the curriculum for assignments related to digital platforms. Advertising literacy training that is relevant to influencers and strengthen skills in recognising embedded adverts would be helpful.

Dr Miriam Rahali

Dr Miriam Rahali

Visiting Fellow in the Department of Media and Communications and Professor Sonia Livingstone

    Scroll our research gallery

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    How influential is social media on young people's mental health?

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    Supporting children's transition to secondary school

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    Supporting children's transition to secondary school

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    The impact of digital experiences on teens with mental health vulnerabilities

    Jul 15, 2024

    The impact of digital experiences on teens with mental health vulnerabilities

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    NELI Preschool: a new oral language enrichment programme for preschools and nurseries

    Jun 13, 2024

    NELI Preschool: a new oral language enrichment programme for preschools and nurseries

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    May 16, 2024

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    STEM in preschool settings: do teachers’ scientific questions differ by child gender?

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    Mar 14, 2024

    Do parental controls work and what are the pros and cons?

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    Feb 09, 2024

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    New study links energy drinks to mental health problems in young people

    Jan 15, 2024

    New study links energy drinks to mental health problems in young people

    We’ve all seen the vast array of colourful cans and bottles in the supermarket. Perhaps you are a fan yourself. But did you know that, in 2020, the energy drinks market was worth $45.8 billion globally? It is a large and expanding market, projected to grow at an annual rate of 8.2%, and reach a whopping $108.40 billion by 2031. Despite the fact that these products typically contain very high levels of both caffeine and sugar, and warnings on labels that they are ‘not recommended for children’, they are extremely popular with young people. In fact, if you have offspring of a certain age, you are likely aware that 2023 was the year of Prime, a product popularised on social media. Initially, Prime was a hydration drink, but the range has since expanded to include an energy drink containing caffeine. It became so popular among teens that bottles were spotted selling for £18 in some shops (and more on resale sites), despite the recommended retail price being only £2.99. Research from a few years ago had already found that up to a third of children in the UK consume caffeinated energy drinks on a weekly basis and ranked young people in the UK as the biggest consumers of energy drinks in Europe for their age group. 13% identified as high chronic consumers – having energy drinks four to five times a week, or more. Published today (15th January), the most comprehensive evidence review to date has found that consuming energy drinks is associated with a wide range of risks, including increased risk of mental health issues among children and young people. Our researcher of the month, Professor Amelia Lake, along with co-author Dr Shelina Visram and the rest of the team at FUSE (the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health) at Teesside University and Newcastle University, examined data from 57 studies of over 1.2 million children and young people from more than 21 countries. The study’s findings build on earlier research and highlight numerous risks associated with energy drinks.

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