Tooled Up Education

My Reflections on Anxiety and Worry

It’s a good idea to encourage teens to reflect on any anxieties that they have, help them to think through how these worries make them feel and prompt them to come up with some things that might help to alleviate them. This could be listening to music, meeting a friend or having some go-to breathing exercises. This activity invites teens to think about things that make them worried, things that make them excited and some goals that they might like to set for the coming term at school.

15 Tips to Help Children Who Feel Anxious About Dental Appointments

Visiting the dentist can be a cause of great anxiety for some children, and if these worries become severe, they can have a significant detrimental impact on their oral health. If your child feels wobbly about going to the dentist, we’ve put together 15 tips that can really help.

Wobble Ladder: Overcoming Anxiety

When children have ‘wobbles’, or anxieties, one of the best ways to overcome them is to take gradual steps towards having a go at the thing that worries them. This Wobble Ladder is a useful tool for setting out small, step by step goals. As your child climbs the ladder, make sure that they get a little reward for each goal that they achieve.

Dr Weston Talks with Suzi Godson: The MeeToo Mental Help App

In this podcast, Dr Weston talks with Suzi Godson, founder of the MeeToo mental help app, an NHS endorsed app, where young people aged 11-25 can seek help anonymously and receive reliable, age-appropriate and moderated support and advice from peers or trained counsellors.

Your Best Year Yet: Tips for Students in Their GCSE Year

We’ve put together some evidence-based tips for you to share with your teens as they embark on their GCSE year. Encouraging young people to integrate some of these ideas into their approach to learning, and their lives generally, will help them to improve their organisation and mindset in the run up to their exams.

OCD and Anxiety in Children: A Parents’ Guide with Dr Anna Conway Morris

Often, OCD and anxiety are linked and it is important for parents to understand the relationship between them, how to help their child manage OCD behaviours, and when to seek appropriate support and clinical help. This webinar recording, featuring child psychiatrist, Dr Anna Conway Morris, will help to shed light on the nature of OCD in children.

Moving Home Checklist

Moving home is a long process and there is lots to remember. Our step by step checklist will make sure that you’ve not forgotten anything crucial when the big day arrives.

Starting University Checklist

Moving to university and living away from home for the first time is a big step and it can feel both exciting and a bit daunting, for parents as well as young people. Make sure that your child is as organised and prepared for the practicalities as possible, with our big list of everything they need to take with them when they start university.