Tooled Up Education

What Stops Me Asking for Help?

Even when children know who they can call on at times of need and understand how to get help, they might be reticent about seeking it. It’s important to explore any reasons why they might be reluctant and have open conversations about how to overcome these worries. This resource can be used as part of classroom discussion, or at home within family life, to prompt conversation about why seeking help and accessing their support network is always the best option.

Five Fingers of Support: My Helping Hand

It’s important for children to identify people in their support network who they feel happy asking for help, so that they know who to turn to if they are feeling down, need cheering up or are going through a crisis. This simple activity for young children nudges them to choose five allies who are always there to support them.

Taste Champion Award

This certificate can be used in conjunction with our New Food Reward Chart, to celebrate children’s achievements when they eat a new food. For some children, trying new flavours, textures or food types is a challenge and this award is an acknowledgement of their persistence.

New Food Reward Chart

Eating new foods is very challenging for some children and this can make mealtimes stressful both for them and for their parents. We’ve asked our friends at City Dietitians for their expert advice on gentle ways to encourage children to try new tastes. This reward chart, can be used in conjunction with our other resources on food and nutrition, either at home or at school. Remember, for some children, trying a new food can be a long journey. The first time that they are presented with a new flavour, they might only smell it, but even this is an achievement which should be acknowledged. Encourage them to give themselves a tick or a sticker each time they complete a step towards eating a new food.

Social Scripts for Getting Along Better

When we want to encourage children to get along better in class, it can sometimes help to have a little script that can help them to navigate scenarios at school. Ask children to use these sentence starters throughout the week. Did they prove useful? What other phrases can they come up with that are easy to say?

Classroom Friendship Charter

This template is designed for use in primary classrooms. Have a class discussion and encourage pupils to develop a set of values around friendship, using the prompts given. Display it with pride to remind children what being a good friend really means.

Yay or No Way! The Friendship Quiz

This quiz is great for use in RSE lessons, or at home, to encourage children to consider the qualities that make someone a good friend, articulate what makes them happy or sad in interactions with others and help them to cultivate a sense of respect for their peers.

Letter Reversals (b and d) Flash Card

Lots of young children reverse letters that are mirror images of each other. This flash card can be used in class to remind children how to correctly form the letters b and d.

Describing Anger

Anger is a normal and important feeling to be able to describe. The words and phrases in this resource can be used to expand children’s vocabulary around anger, explore this emotion and develop strategies to manage it.

Family Audit Template

It can be useful to have periodic family conversations where you all evaluate things that are working well in family life and things that could do with tweaking or improving. This template might help to frame the chat and will give all family members the chance to think about things that work well and things that don’t before you all talk together. Print out a copy for each of you beforehand and use it to make notes, observations and goals about family life.