Tooled Up Education

My Family Life: Reflecting on what’s Good and what Could Be Better

Life at home with our family can be many things, both good and bad. At different times, it might feel fun, infuriating, calm, crazy, comforting, loving, a bit dull or mundane. There are probably things that you love and adore about it and other things that really get on your nerves. It can be useful to get everyone in your household, adults and children, to reflect a little on family life, thinking of the positives and negatives, and then think together about how to change or remedy some of those little annoyances.

Sweet Tooth

Many of us enjoy sweet, sugary snacks as a small part of a balanced and nutritious diet. Whilst it’s important not to demonise any types of food, it is a good idea to teach children about the impact that sugar can have on our teeth, and discuss the best times to eat it. This activity is great at home or school. It will give children some key facts about sugar and our teeth and gets them to consider different snack options and drinks that are available to them.

Terrific Teeth Crossword

Helping children to know more about the importance of their teeth is a good way to encourage them to get into good oral health habits. This crossword can be used in the classroom or at home.

My Teeth

Believe it or not, tooth decay is the most common reason for non-emergency hospital admissions in children aged between five and nine in the UK. Helping children to learn about what our teeth are for, and the importance of looking after them, is crucial. This simple activity can be done at home or in the classroom. It helps young children to learn about the development of our teeth, what the different types of teeth are for, and why we need them.

My Reflections on Anxiety and Worry

It’s a good idea to encourage teens to reflect on any anxieties that they have, help them to think through how these worries make them feel and prompt them to come up with some things that might help to alleviate them. This could be listening to music, meeting a friend or having some go-to breathing exercises. This activity invites teens to think about things that make them worried, things that make them excited and some goals that they might like to set for the coming term at school.

Letter Reversals Activity (b and d)

Lots of young children reverse letters that are mirror images of each other. Use this worksheet to help children who get mixed up with b and d.

Chores List for Children Aged Two to Five

Even when children are very young, it is a great idea to ask them to participate in family life. Chores hone executive functions in children, are immensely self-esteem boosting and send a signal that your family is a team and everyone needs to play their part. We’ve put together some age-appropriate ideas for tasks and chores around the home and have also left you space to add your own.

Chores List for Primary Aged Children

It is a great idea to get children participating in the day to day running of family life from a young age. Chores hone executive functions in children, are immensely self-esteem boosting and send a signal that your family is a team and everyone needs to play their part. We’ve put together some age-appropriate ideas for tasks and chores around the home and have also left space for you to add your own.

Chores List for Young People Over the Age of 11

Chores hone executive functions in young people, are immensely self-esteem boosting and send a signal that your family is a team and everyone needs to play their part. We’ve put together some ideas for tasks and chores that your tweens and teens can do around the home. We have also left space for you to add your own.

Wobble Ladder: Overcoming Anxiety

When children have ‘wobbles’, or anxieties, one of the best ways to overcome them is to take gradual steps towards having a go at the thing that worries them. This Wobble Ladder is a useful tool for setting out small, step by step goals. As your child climbs the ladder, make sure that they get a little reward for each goal that they achieve.