Tooled Up Education

My ‘Settling In’ Journal

Moving to secondary school is a big change. There are new routines to get used to, new people to get to know and new subjects to study. Children can use this weekly journal to help them feel more settled at their new school over the first month.

Dr Weston Talks with Professor Robin Banerjee: Transition, Peer Relationships, Kindness and Success – Rethinking Wellbeing

In this podcast, Dr Weston talks with Professor Robin Banerjee about the connections between peer relationships, kindness and wellbeing, especially at points of transition or change in our children’s lives. They discuss initiatives to help prioritise wellbeing at the point of entry to secondary school and university, consider systemic social changes that might be needed to really promote wellbeing and chew the fat on how to ensure that young people feel empowered to form positive social connections.

Moving from Nursery to Primary School: Tips for Getting Ready

When little children take big steps, it can be a time of anxiety for the whole family. In this video, we make sure that parents understand the key things to focus on when helping your child become “school-ready”. Hopefully, after watching, you will feel empowered, more confident and better able to support your little one.