Tooled Up Education

Mid-Week Medley

I am writing this newsletter from a place of fatigue, but also elation that I have just managed to survive three days with ten teen boys in a foreign country. More importantly, they survived! When easyJet asked the question about ‘purpose’ of the trip, I was tempted to scribe ‘to keep 10 children injury free and entertained’.

Parental Mental Health

After a very busy few days talking all things Tooled Up at a headteachers’ conference last week, a bit of downtime over the weekend gave me the space to reflect on the symbolic importance of World Mental Health Day (which was this Monday).

Ripple Effects

Last Friday started off like any other day, the sun was shining and I was ‘out and about’ in London, preparing to deliver a talk on pupil mental health to school leaders. On my way to the venue, I got lost and needed to take a cab to quickly transport me to the correct location. My taxi driver asked me what I was going to be doing at the conference, so I told him. He paused, punched the air in glee, and told me that he believed in God and that I had been placed in his cab for a reason.

Learning to Learn

Last week, I delivered a talk about how we can usefully minimise children’s anxiety and stress in the run up to tests, assessments and exams. Years ago, if I had been writing that talk from scratch, I would have likely focused on the range of evidence-based strategies available to optimise children’s learning and attainment, and perhaps have neglected one of the most important aspects of children’s ability to thrive academically; their emotional state. Now, I wouldn’t dream of giving a talk about children’s academic success without first addressing how they feel about themselves, their learning, and their lives in general.

Take Ten?

I know that some of you are already feeling a little ‘wrung out’ (even though it is only mid-September) and are counting down the days until October half-term. September often gets underlined in the calendar as a month where we articulate our goals, get on with our tick list of jobs and feel motivated. Unfortunately, the one thing we might forget is that ‘time out’ is required mid-way through any journey to rest, recuperate and refresh.

Reigns and Rainbows

This week, following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I have been re-reading the Seamus Heaney poem, ‘Clearances’, penned after the death of his mother.

Back to School

Back to School. So, what does this term mean for you? As a working parent, for me, the return to school means I can finally stop worrying about how my children will occupy themselves and can instead focus on the tasks accumulating on my desk. School return means an empty house until late afternoon. This might feel blissful for some parents, but for others it can spell unwelcome quiet and, well, a sense of loneliness.

Exploring Emotions

Last week I was at a secondary school talking to parents whose children are about to embark on the next stage of their educational journeys. I asked the large audience, “Who here likes change?” Only one person put their hand up. Unsurprising.

Summer Sensations

It was certainly easier to enjoy a summer at home when it featured sporting events that made one feel inspired, invigorated and excited about all that life has to offer!

Perilous Perfectionism

The last two weeks have gone by in a blur of summer term school activity; leavers’ parties, balls, prize-givings and school discos. Exam season is over. People are tired, but also enjoying the reverie of being free to socialise in full again, particularly whilst the sun is shining. School reports will soon be landing on mats or in inboxes, signalling the close to the academic year. We will read about our children’s progress, take pride in their successes and learn more about the areas that they need to work on.