We're thinking about hiring a tutor for our child. What do we need to consider? How do we know that we are hiring the right person?
Private tutoring can be a great way to support your child's education, but finding the right person can also feel overwhelming. The tutoring industry is largely unregulated in the UK and so it can be challenging to know where to start or what to look for.
We asked Carla Clay from Chrysalis Education for her top tips.
1. Work out what you are looking for.
Before you even start to look for a tutor, take a moment to reflect on your child's specific needs and goals. Are they finding a certain subject particularly tricky? Are they studying for an exam or test? Would you like in-person appointments, or do online sessions fit better with your family schedule? Once you have a good idea of what you are looking for, you'll be better equipped to start your search.
2. Always ask for recommendations.
Ask friends and family. They might know reputable tutors or even have personal experiences with one. Schools also often keep a list of trusted tutors so it's always worth asking your child's teacher for any recommendations, and finding out their opinions about tutoring for your child generally. They might be aware of specific sticking points, or they may not think there is any need. Their input is valuable, so don't be afraid to ask.
3. Check their qualifications.
Make sure that any tutor you consider has appropriate qualifications and knowledge in the subject that your child is going to learn. Simply having a degree in the subject does not mean that they will reliably be able to teach your child.
Within the UK, teachers will generally have a PGCE or QTLS. Do not be afraid to ask for evidence of their qualifications. All reputable tutors will be happy to provide evidence, or will offer it without you even asking. Although it is difficult for some private tutors to get an advanced DBS check, they should be able to obtain a basic DBS check and it is important to check this to keep your child safe.
4. Consider their level of experience and check references and reviews.
Always ask how much tutoring experience they have, particularly with children who are the same age and stage as your child. Look for reviews online or ask the tutor for references from past students to gauge their success. A tutor should be more than happy for you to contact a past client.
5. Interview them.
Ask about their teaching strategies and approach. This might include how they assess progress and how they address specific challenges. Find out how much they charge. Reputable tutors in the UK generally charge a minimum of £30 per hour, but this does vary by area.
6. Try them out.
Many tutors will offer a free or discounted trial session. Take advantage of this to see if their teaching style fits your child's needs. Is your child engaged? Do they seem to get on? A good tutor should be patient, clear, and adaptable.
Good luck with your search!
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Thank you for your question. From the detail you supply in your email to me, it is crystal clear that this young man lives in a loving, warm and supportive family unit (perfect conditions to cultivate and sustain a child’s resilience). Your concern relates to the fact that your child is starting secondary school and that his mother’s treatment coincides with an important milestone in his life. I can understand why, at this particular time, you might worry a little more about this child than other children in the family.